
SEMIS developed a Geographical Information System (GIS), combining several fields such as Health, Education, Water Supply and Electrification.

The GIS (geographical information system) used by SEMIS covers the entire country of Senegal. It stores information about all the rural communities and villages across Senegal.

This system aims to be as complete as possible by combining data from several fields: Health, Education, Hydraulics, and Electrification.

The following information is collected within each of the fields:



Electrification Village's administrative number, coordinates of the village, name of the village, population, growth rate, total number of households, total number of electrified households, low voltage electricity consumption (in kWh) and number of consumers.
Hydraulics IRH number, coordinates of the water pumping station, the setting of implementation, financing source, name of the project, the total and equipped depths, the upper and lower depths of the crest, the specific outflow and that of exploitation, type of pump used, the volume of raised stored water and the calculated underground water reserves.
Health Coordinates of the health facilities (health centers, medical centers) and their names.
Education Coordinates of the schools, the name of the schools, the number of classrooms, total enrolment, number of boys, number of girls.

Besides these above-mentioned data, we dispose of the following data layers:

The following are some examples of thematic analysis using our GIS:

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